Anobic VT: Classic Voice Translator

Ideal for vacations or business traveling, the Anobic VT (Voice Translator) is a compact and portable translation device that helps you communicate with almost anyone around the world. Anobic VT is designed to translate 54 different languages (Support Dialects: 71. English (15), Spanish (18), Arabic (15) and Chinese (23)) that encompass 131 countries. Simply press the button and speak.

To use it, press and hold the button under each corresponding language and speak into the Anobic VT. What each person says is displayed on the screen in both languages and read aloud. You can continue this process to have an ongoing conversation. Dual built-in speakers and dual built-in microphones help to ensure that the Anobic VT hears you, and you hear it, even in noisy environments.

Anobic VT is meant to provide highly accurate translations thanks to its robust language engines and cloud technologies. That means the Pocketalk Classic requires an internet connection to translate what you say. This model comes equipped with a SIM card and you can also connect via Wi-Fi or a personal hotspot.

Chcete se rychle naučit cizí jazyk nebo cestovat po světě, i když neznáte jazyk? Kapesní překladač Anobic Vám pomůže! Stačí jen chtít…

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